He’ll ogle at you everytime you are in his range of vision as if his life depended on it but will not acknowledge your presence till you land up right in front of him, he’ll msg you 50 times a day but not a single one will be of any relevance to the next or previous one, he’ll keep dropping hints as to how a certain movie is supposedly the best that is ever made but he has no company to watch it during the weekend, he’ll say plenty of made up stories about the dreams he had of you and since he keeps seeing them again and again they must hold some karmic value, he’ll say you needn’t diet anymore coz you look perfect the way you are, he’ll say how pretty your hair is, how lovely your dress is , how chilly the weather is, how crappy the work is, how Baa Baa black sheep had to do away with his wool, how man went to moon and every random nonsense in the world.
But “He’ll Never Say What He Really Has to Say”