FRIENDS has been an
integral part of my growing up years. It has been more than just a series, it portrayed
a life an entire generation could relate to, and the characters were more than
just screen images. They were people we meet in everyday life or for that
matter every time we look into the mirror. Daily incidents shown were so
trivial yet so poignant. Issues depicted were neither major cause of concern yet
concerned with the survival of ordinary youngsters. FRIENDS was probably the only series that
tugged all the right strings, connected oh so deeply & had its heart in the
right place. For people like me who literally stuck to FRIENDS, it reminded us
of our own lives with all its highs & lows, ups & downs, rights &
wrongs & it reminded us of all the people who stick by us irrespective of
how pathetic or awesome we were , people we love & people who love us back.

Maybe the highest point of FRIENDS was its simplicity. The
unabashed innocence that flowed through the scripts. The phases were the
integrity of characters was not compromised in an attempt to appear supposedly
cool & callous. The times they were so awesome we almost wished they were
real. The times they were so silly that we laughed our ribs out and the times
when they appeared so vulnerable and pathetic that our heart went out to them.
At some point or other we all wanted to just hug Rachel & tell her that all
will ok. We wanted to smack Chandler for being a sarcastic jerk, to shake Ross
and tell him to be real and shake head at Pheobe. We wished to tell Monica to
loosen up and ask Joey – How u Doing?
Every episode in its own way caused a sigh, a half falling
tear, a smile or rib tickling laughter and no matter how many remashes come up
, nothing can ever match up with F.R.I.E.N.D.S
MUAH ........thank you FRIENDS for making my life happier J
I’ll be there for youuuuuu, coz ur there for me toooooo