Sunday, November 29, 2015

Meant to Be

Maybe we will meet again someday, years later, 10, 15, 20. I won't know you then nor will you recognize me. I'll find you older, you'll find me wiser but beautiful as ever. We will frequent a nearby coffee shop. Giggle like teens while sipping our latte. Look deep into each other's eyes while we talk. We'll walk under falling winter leaves, holding each other. We'll write our names on sand and watch as the waves carry them to the farthest end of ocean. We will sketch our dreams on the new fog settled on the window pane. We will watch the storm rage outside while our bodies find peace wrapped around. We will search for constellations under a starry sky and find shapes in clouds. We will take long rides to paths unknown and get back rich with new tales to tell. We'll reveal our deepest fears and darkest secrets bringing out the worst in us. We'll soothe our insecurities together and make way for love as never before. Then one day you will tell me what you never told the brown eyed girl you loved and lost and I'll tell you what I never told the cheeky smiled boy I always knew was mine. And that day once best friends will fall in love not knowing they were always meant to.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Line

A girl sleeps on my bed; a stranger with my face. I knew her once but now not sure.
She says she is me, I know she is not.
She meets me at places she is never meant to be, awake with people she never meant to see
Traces of blood beneath her nails, drawn everytime she claws her self
Thriving on destruction, most often her own, calling out my name she says“Don’t hate yourself, you never saw the line you crossed”

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Come Home

I miss the winding roads where I rode, do they miss me ? I know not.
They always had people like me. They always loved people like me. We are so similar. Our journey knows no end.
Someday when the desire to comply wanes, I might go back there. Once more feel the wind &  rain and in all sense come home.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

I am

I am not an angel with a halo overhead
I am not a devil awaiting a tread
I am not love, just a source
And I am not hate, just its cause
I am not a sin, nor virtue, nor salvation
I know not about truth, nor lies
I am not the air that life sustains
Neither do I quench thirst like the rain
I am just a mirage, an illusion, a dream
Search & I’ll be found in every realm.