Thursday, April 28, 2016

What I have learnt from the series

Series and me go a long way back. Back in time when Doordarshan gave Chandrakanta to current era where pining for the next episode of Game of Thrones is my regular hobby. Honestly, I think I have lost the count of the series that had me hooked at some point or other. But one certain thing is; TV series do impart valuable life lessons. So heres a compilation of stuff that I learnt from the series I am currently watching.

Brainy indeed is the new sexy. We all need a Dr Watson to watch our back. There is a place called Mind Palace. It is freaking easy to get SHERLOCKED even if you are watching it for 8th time.Bitterness is paralytic & love is anyday a much more vicious motivator.

We all have a dark passenger in the deeper recess of our selves.If you are the monster, be a neat monster. Be wary of sisters, they sooner or later always find out what you been upto. There IS a job called blood splatter expert. Almost every serial killer lives in Miami or atleast pays a visit to Miami.
Always be careful of who & what you say especially when you dont know your friends from enemies. Shorties can also be hotties. If you don't have the brawn sharpen your brains.Weddings are not always happy affairs. Wolves are great pets & dragons are great babies. Not every blue eyed thing is wonderful. Valar Morghulis. Winter is perpetually coming & Jon Snow knows nothing.

All is fair in the game of power, even being a ruthless douchebag. Friends do make the worst enemies and we are definitely nothing more than what we choose to reveal. So be wise in the dealings if you want to reach the top.

Doing drugs is bad..period

Not everything illegal is bad. Never take no for an answer. Wear good suits & find the loophole, there always is one. Pick that jaw from the floor & admire Jessica.

Evolution may cause more differences that existing ones. So if you have evolved into something better keep it to yourself & do some good with it. Time space theory is atleast conceptually possible so we do have a shot of turning back time.

Never ever trust anything that is ravenously hungry. A whack to the head helps when zombified. Especially if you blow the brains out. Either hunt or be third way. There is gonna be a party when the wolf comes home.(Winks...)

Salt helps with all sorts of demons. No wonder they are taken with tequila. We mortals also need it for some serious inner demons fighting. Angels are not always nice. Some are real jerks. Whenever there are 2 brothers, one is exceptionally hotter than other (read Dean).

The brother theory again (read Damon here). If you are not human then you never really die; you pass to the other side where you see your idiotic family making fools of themselves, but hey you get fashionable clothes. You have only one epic love but there is always something better than that epic love.
P.S  I am sired to Klaus. Who wouldnt I mean with that accent & that adorable blush.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Sketchy Affair

My love for sketching has always been like the high school boyfriend. We might be dating different peiople now but always there for each other. I might be dabbling in 5 different areas but it has always been at the back of my mind, like a comforting feeling. Like something I can always turn to when things get messy. Not necessarily to get back together but just as a solid shoulder to rest. Few sketches, old ones, randomly done.

The shy one
Surprised....I never thought

Maybe it should've been the kiss in the rain


The best thing about a smoke is , it never lets you die alone
Disclaimer : Some are pinterest inspired

Saturday, March 12, 2016

My Version of Tiny Tales

Anybody heard of Terribly Tiny Tales? They are this facebook group I'm a huge fan of. Their funda is to choose a word and write a whole tale around it. Conditions applied...tales can not be more than the size of a tweet (140 characters). Now inspired by this site, I've created some Tiny Tales of my own.

1) Word = Cheat
 "You cheated on me with her, how could you?" screamed the weighing machine to diet plan as chocolate stood silent.

2) Word = Dreamcatcher
"Brought you a goodbye gift", she said "A dreamcatcher to shoo away your nightmares" didn’t say the goodbye to him was her worst nightmare.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Memory Musings

Memories can be funny things. An elaborate set up is not needed to travel to the past. A similar name, a random hummed song, a familiar path, a remembered smell can cause a rush of feelings. Repressed stories buried in some corner of the heart are awakened with a jolt. A little ache gnaws the insides as heartstrings are pulled, heartbeats are risen, laughs are heard and secrets are whispered. Each asking for a little more time, a little more attention. Everytime they are played & replayed. The version of how it was & a tiny maybe of how it should have been. They are deliberately put to rest most of times, but ever so gently they are relived with a faint smile or a deep scar

I See Summer

I remember a little purple room
I see a little ray of sunlight streaming like a ribbon through the blurry panes of the old wooden window
I see a sequinned curtain catching the light, throwing billion little rainbows on the wall by its side
I hear the distant sound of a koel cooing post her afternoon nap
I see a lavender wall plastered with old photographs, unmindful sketches, random written phrases & dotted with Harry Potter cut-outs
I see a curved terrace, a myriad of chunris, tied to a cane swing, peacefully billowing in the wind
I hear Euphoria singing Maeri
I feel the warm noon breeze tugging at the hems of my pop green skirt
I hear the girly giggles & laughter of friends tumbling over each other as we play a pillow fight
I feel their hugs and hear their stories as the conversation deepens over mugs of drinking chocolate
I smell musty books as I lean closer to the wooden shelf, I smell the sharp spirit as my toenails are painted red
I smell fresh baked nankatais & shot buns as the neighbourhood bakery opens
I smell sweet tea laced with ginger & cardamom
I hear shrieks & shouts of neighbourhood boys calling for a game of gully cricket
I see my crush clutching his bat, getting ready for a spin ball, I get nudges from my girls as he hits it square
I see a 15 yr old me on a pink cycle – daddy’s birthday gift. I feel sweat, tired from a ride
I see twilight
I see a summer from the memory book, clumsy & innocent just the way I remember

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Meant to Be

Maybe we will meet again someday, years later, 10, 15, 20. I won't know you then nor will you recognize me. I'll find you older, you'll find me wiser but beautiful as ever. We will frequent a nearby coffee shop. Giggle like teens while sipping our latte. Look deep into each other's eyes while we talk. We'll walk under falling winter leaves, holding each other. We'll write our names on sand and watch as the waves carry them to the farthest end of ocean. We will sketch our dreams on the new fog settled on the window pane. We will watch the storm rage outside while our bodies find peace wrapped around. We will search for constellations under a starry sky and find shapes in clouds. We will take long rides to paths unknown and get back rich with new tales to tell. We'll reveal our deepest fears and darkest secrets bringing out the worst in us. We'll soothe our insecurities together and make way for love as never before. Then one day you will tell me what you never told the brown eyed girl you loved and lost and I'll tell you what I never told the cheeky smiled boy I always knew was mine. And that day once best friends will fall in love not knowing they were always meant to.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Line

A girl sleeps on my bed; a stranger with my face. I knew her once but now not sure.
She says she is me, I know she is not.
She meets me at places she is never meant to be, awake with people she never meant to see
Traces of blood beneath her nails, drawn everytime she claws her self
Thriving on destruction, most often her own, calling out my name she says“Don’t hate yourself, you never saw the line you crossed”