Friday, March 11, 2016

I See Summer

I remember a little purple room
I see a little ray of sunlight streaming like a ribbon through the blurry panes of the old wooden window
I see a sequinned curtain catching the light, throwing billion little rainbows on the wall by its side
I hear the distant sound of a koel cooing post her afternoon nap
I see a lavender wall plastered with old photographs, unmindful sketches, random written phrases & dotted with Harry Potter cut-outs
I see a curved terrace, a myriad of chunris, tied to a cane swing, peacefully billowing in the wind
I hear Euphoria singing Maeri
I feel the warm noon breeze tugging at the hems of my pop green skirt
I hear the girly giggles & laughter of friends tumbling over each other as we play a pillow fight
I feel their hugs and hear their stories as the conversation deepens over mugs of drinking chocolate
I smell musty books as I lean closer to the wooden shelf, I smell the sharp spirit as my toenails are painted red
I smell fresh baked nankatais & shot buns as the neighbourhood bakery opens
I smell sweet tea laced with ginger & cardamom
I hear shrieks & shouts of neighbourhood boys calling for a game of gully cricket
I see my crush clutching his bat, getting ready for a spin ball, I get nudges from my girls as he hits it square
I see a 15 yr old me on a pink cycle – daddy’s birthday gift. I feel sweat, tired from a ride
I see twilight
I see a summer from the memory book, clumsy & innocent just the way I remember

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