Tuesday, May 13, 2008


OBSESSION: The morbid persistence of an idea in one’s head.

The dictionary meaning of obsession does little justice to whole feeling present in this small word of 9 alphabets. Its a feeling so powerful that it consumes the whole of us, as far as I’m concerned I’m obsessed with a new thing every new day,but some obsessions have remained strong since I was a kid. The first one being the amazing madness for Theobroma cacao. For all the ignorant junta out there I meant the sinful “Chocolate” and I don’t mean the many brands of chocolate available diluting the taste of pure dark chocolate with their silly addition of milk, nuts, fruits and caramel. For me the dark chocolate does the trick. The way it slides down the tongue with a silky texture, it’s power to seduce the taste buds and intoxicating the mind with a lingering taste is ………pure BLISS.
Apart from chocolate another thing that controls me is the colour RED, I relate best with Red and I feel it describes me the best “SO COMMON YET THE MOST EYE-CATCHING” that’s RED. Never can I get enough of RED despite of having my half-inch long talons painted RED.a single lipstick of the cherry RED shade. A whole wardrobe of clothes coloured RED, a pair of RED shoes, RED bags,RED scarves and what not,seems quite that my blog also has a RED print,,, that reminds BLOOD is also RED.

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