Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nights out of Scary Movie

Ever seen a scary movie??? These are typical firang flicks with lots of blood,gore n hackneyed steamy scenes.Generally these movies have same plot
“Girl alone in a new place,staying in a huge house,meeting the guy of her dreams blah blah blah n then trouble starts.Either it’s a stalker or a serial killer butchering ppl or a ghost without an agenda or if creativity permits vampires or werewolves J

Interestingly I happened to live a part of such a scary movie a couple o weeks ago.Well almost,,,,if we do away with stalkers and the dream guy (well I gave up on those species long ago)but the solo gal new place staying alone thingy,,,,yea lets talk about that

It started with my transfer to Pune and the company providing me a quarters to stay but alas some goof up in the admin department saw me without a roof overhead within a week,,,finally after numerous phone calls, loads of stern talks and giving them a dose of company facilities I was promised in short making life hell for the guys who did me out I finally got myself a new place to stay and as per company rules free of cost.


Somewhere on the deserted backlanes of military cantonment of Khadki in a highrise which had definitely seen reasonable human inhabitation in some good old days where the ric drivers charge u 180 bucks coz they don’t get passengers on return trips and en route just where this lane begins you can feast your eyes on “desi daru ka adda” and even see wierdos walking on d roads muttering to themselves
This was my paradise where I stayed for 2 weeks, alone, with visions of every dumb movie that I’ve seen flashing through my mind as I desperately tried to make myself comfy promising my self that no matter what I’m not going to investigate a weird noise at night coz they usually mean trouble.

But must admit it was a bloodrush. Not exactly an adventure but yea almost………………….

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice experience yaar....!!

keep onn rocking..!!