Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thoughts, Thoughts and more Thoughts

I hate cliched thoughts that seems to be have made for the sole reason of making the reader puke (esp if you happen to be someone like me who has somewhat sarcastic view of life) but despite that some unique ones exist that seems to arrest attention. Guess they are fun read.

As we evolve we believe life will exempt us our struggles, "You forget" says the devil with a chuckle "I evolve too"

Sense of humour is just common sense dancing

The trouble with men is that they lack the power of conversation but not speech

Comedy is a sarcastic realization of inescapable tragedy

At times I lay awake at night wondering where I went wrong, then a voice inside me says " This is Gonna Take More Than A Night"

I'm sick of following my dreams, I'll just ask them where they are and hook up with them later.

Dance is like eroticism, one thing leads to another.

Anticipation without anxiety and underneath the feeling "I belong to me, just as I am right now".

When you look at the abyss, the abyss looks at you.

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