Saturday, June 7, 2008

Obsession Part 2

Felt like mentioning something about my other obsessions today “RAIN”
Ever found anything that can beat the magic of the first RAINS……..nopes I haven’t as yet. The entry of rains makes a grand event, dark overcast sky, trees swaying in breeze, dust flying in all directions everything seems to mark the arrival of the KING and then it comes ……starting with a slight drizzle it marks its entry and depending on the mood swings it lashes out or gently falls. The earth receives it with a welcoming smile and readily absorbs everything it gives. The trees get a wash and shine beyond themselves in ecstasy. The flowers bloom, new green life grows, but this all can change if the rain wishes ,,,if it gives life it can even destroy and wash away life without a trace
For me the rains are not just a seasonal occurrence, its more of a selfexpression, a depiction of the kind of person I am and of all the emotions I feel. Peace, mischief, happiness, love, hate, anger, frustration, sadness, worries everything is expressed by the rains. When I’m happy I wish it would just fall rhythmically having a fulfilling celebration. The now here, now gone rain is all mischievous as if the naughty downpour wants to play, a slight drizzle is a wish when peace is felt …oh so contended. A long walk or ride in pitter-patter rains is the perfect funda for a date. Anger and hatred finds meaning in thunder and lightning,,, uncontrollable and at times destructive. The torrential hard-hitting rains is an outlet for all the pent up sorrows, all the pain felt but cannot expressed is drowned in the falling water.
Then of course comes the ever magical rainbow,,,the seven colours of heaven lighting up on sky weaving an eternal tale of hope to find the gold at the end of the rainbow.
Words no doubt r a powerful tool but some feelings have to experienced to understand them perfectly and the getting drenched in the rains,becoming human again,becoming the kind of person without any care for the outer world is definitely one of them. Sometimes cheer, sometimes sinister, sometimes spelling out unspoken desire,that my dear is the majestic RAIN.

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PP Dhanya A said...
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